Monday, May 31, 2010

Preschool Graduation May 25, 2010

So I can't believe I am saying this, but my little girl graduated!!!! Okay, only from preschool, but still, I was awfully proud:) She has loved and adored and worshipped etc. preschool this year, and was TERRIBLY distraught upon learning of such a horrid thing known as "summer break." Poor girl. She'll just have to learn to deal it the same way I did. Maybe I shouldn't admit this, but I distinctly remember leaving Granite Elementary on the last day of 6th grade crying (yes, tears, though hidden from my peers, were actually rolling down my cheeks) as I realized it would be 3 long months before I would be able to do math homework again. Pretty pathetic, but it seems my preschooler is going down the same path as her mom...

Anyway, Mariah's teacher did a little graduation party for her classes. They sung songs to Miss Lee's guitar and had a little ceremony, which unfortunately Mariah would take no part in. Being at Disneyland the week prior, Mariah had missed school when the other kids learned the songs, so she was really shy and grumpy and didn't even want to accept her certificate in front of the class OR wear her graduation cap. Oh well, there is always next year when she will graduate again from preschool!

Our feeble attempt at making Mariah at least look like she was wearing her cap and holding up her certificate. Pardon the belly, we were 16 weeks at that point! And YES, we know what we are having, and YES we have ITS name picked out, but NO I am not going to tell you right here! The new baby deserves ITS own blog just like the big sis! So stay tuned...

Mariah's Teacher, Miss (Katie) Lee with Daddy doing the choke-hold to force M to take at least one pic with her teacher!

Mariah's Favorite part of the party: THE FUDGESICLE!!!!

According to Mariah, this is her future husband, Jackson. She tells me almost daily that she is going to "marry Jackson in the temple because he is a funny boy. He makes me laugh." Ben truly doesn't like this kid already!!!


  1. Congratulations Mariah!! I totally understand the devastation with summer vacation. It does get better with time. Loved seeing the pics.

  2. Hey!!! I have actually tried calling you like twice! I am dying to see you too, call me 801-706-2409
